Hi! My name is Sam, and I started this blog to help other injured people. Before you start reading, let me tell you a little about myself. Ten years ago, I slipped on a slice of fruit in a grocery store. My leg slid out from under me, and in a freak twist, it was rendered useless. I could no longer work and struggled with intense pain every day. Luckily, I found an accident and injury attorney who was able to get me the compensation I needed to cover my medical bills and my lost time at work. However, while I waited for the settlement to come through, I had to get creative physically and financially. This blog is dedicated to anyone who is in that limbo position. I hope the posts here help you decide what to do while you wait for the results of your trial.
If you have whiplash after a vehicle accident and need treatment, then you need to contact a truck accident lawyer to recover damages. Whiplash occurs from an impact that causes your head to jerk back and forward. It is also an injury that can have long term effects and rack up a lot of medical bills. Read on to find out how to win compensation for this injury.
Seek Medical Attention
If you feel any discomfort after the truck accident, then you should seek medical attention immediately. You should not wait around at the scene of the accident to make statements about how you feel. Whiplash is a condition that does not become immediately symptomatic. If you go to the emergency room and tell the hospital staff that you were in an accident, then the emergency room doctor knows what signs to look for.
It is essential to winning your case that the first disclosure of your medical information comes from a doctor. Most insurance adjusters are suspicious of whiplash cases. It helps to let your medical records tell your story instead of giving a statement at the scene.
File Your Claim Immediately
Going to the emergency room creates a record of your symptoms and injuries. You can now file your claim. If you live in a no-fault state, then you have to make a claim against your insurance company regardless of fault. On the other hand, if you live in a state that allows you to sue for injuries after an accident, then you need to notify the other driver's insurance company in writing.
The letter should explain that you have injuries and intend to file a claim. It helps to notify the insurance company as soon as possible about your claim.
Write Down Your Expenses
When you file a claim, you need to write down all of your medical and rehabilitative expenses. These expenses may include insurance co-pays, prescription costs, lost wages, mileage and any other out-of-pocket expenses. The insurance adjuster needs proof of every dollar you spend for your pain and suffering. They use this information to determine your settlement amount. Documented proof help supports your case and could result in an early settlement amount.
If this is your first accident, then you need to get in touch with an experienced lawyer, like Teresa P Williams PA. An auto accident interrupts your life and can cause you to miss time from work. It helps to keep a record of your expenses and experiences. This is the only way to prove you case.
Share9 October 2015