Dealing with Accident Recovery: Tips and Strategies for the Injured

Hi! My name is Sam, and I started this blog to help other injured people. Before you start reading, let me tell you a little about myself. Ten years ago, I slipped on a slice of fruit in a grocery store. My leg slid out from under me, and in a freak twist, it was rendered useless. I could no longer work and struggled with intense pain every day. Luckily, I found an accident and injury attorney who was able to get me the compensation I needed to cover my medical bills and my lost time at work. However, while I waited for the settlement to come through, I had to get creative physically and financially. This blog is dedicated to anyone who is in that limbo position. I hope the posts here help you decide what to do while you wait for the results of your trial.

Secrets To Taking Smart Pictures Of Your Car Accident


Photos allow the involved parties in a car accident to see the situation as it really was hours and days later—sometimes revealing information that went unnoticed at the scene. In this way, photos can be used to reconstruct the actual events leading up to the car accident, even if the drivers of the vehicles were uncertain at the time that the events occurred.

In essence, the photographs you take of your car accident can provide valuable information that could later result in a settlement awarded inside or outside of court. The photos you take should be comprehensive and numerous. These tips will help you take the useful photographs of your car accident.

Document All Damage and Injuries

Examine both cars and take pictures of damage to each. Look carefully at your own car for scratches and dings that didn't exist on the vehicle before the time of the accident. Take pictures of any cracked glass, scratches and dents. Capture the positions of the vehicles as they relate to one another.

If possible, take pictures of the injuries to the other passengers in both vehicles. Capture images of any torn clothes, bruises, scratches and more. This may not be possible if the passenger is receiving medical treatment. If so, follow up with photographs as soon as the chance presents itself.

Take pictures from different angles and distances. If the photographs are being taken in daylight, take pictures with and without flash.

Photograph Skid Marks and Damage to Nearby Structures

Skid marks may appear on the road, the curb, on structures near the accident and on the sidewalk—any location that cars impacted or drove on during the accident. Take pictures of all skid marks in all locations.

Photograph damage to any nearby structures. Examine trees, buildings, signs and other landscape objects that were impacted during the crash.

Take Pictures of Landmarks

Take pictures of nearby street signs and landmarks that will allow you to establish the exact location where the accident took place. Any permanent structure on the road can be used as a landmark for your photographs, including nearby trees, buildings and hills. Be sure to include the cars in the photographs with the landmarks to show the location of the accident relative to those landmarks.

Safety First

Some of your ability to take pictures at the scene of the accident may be inhibited by the traffic passing by on the road. If traffic on the road where the accident occurred is heavy, wait for the police to arrive and ask them to assist you at the scene.

Once you've taken the photographs, download the pictures onto a computer or develop them right away. Show the photographs to your insurance agent and car accident lawyer such as Antonucci Frank & Associates Attorneys as soon as possible, to ensure that all the necessary parties have the information they need to help you with your case. 



26 March 2015